7+ Website Heatmap Tools For eCommerce Success

7+ Website Heatmap Tools For Your eCommerce Success

heatmap website analytics

Not sure if your website content truly engages your visitors? Website heatmap tools can provide the insights you need.

While you might be using other analytics tools, heatmaps offer a distinctive view. They visually map out how far users scroll, where they click, and which sections capture their attention or get ignored. This helps you make smart adjustments to improve engagement and drive more conversions.

Let’s break down what website heatmap tools are, why they’re important, and which tools you can use to get started.

What is a Website Heatmap Tool?

A website heatmap tool is an application that visually displays how users engage with different elements on your site. 

Specifically, colors in heatmaps represent different data sets and values. Warm colors, like red and orange, typically indicate high activity levels, while cooler colors, such as blue and green, show less interaction. This color-coded representation makes it easy to identify patterns and areas for marketing improvement.

Types of Heatmap Tools 

There are four commonly used types of heatmaps, each serving a different purpose and helping you focus on a specific aspect of your website’s performance.

Mouse tracking heatmaps 

Mouse tracking heatmaps, also known as hover maps, attention maps, or move maps, reveal where visitors move their mouse cursor the most. 

As users tend to move their cursors while scanning a webpage, these heatmaps utilize this behavior to help eCommerce sellers find out areas that are engaging, intriguing, or confusing. They are considered highly accurate because they offer insights into which parts of the site capture attention or need improvement.

Mouse tracking heatmap example.

Click tracking heatmaps 

Click tracking heatmaps show where users click on desktops or tap on mobile devices, using color intensity to indicate activity levels. The brighter the color, the more clicks. 

With this type of heatmaps, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your links and uncover areas where visitors might expect interactive elements. If you see an area with frequent clicks but no corresponding link or CTA, it might be time to add a relevant page element.

Eye tracking heatmaps 

Eye tracking, in contrast to click tracking, reveals which elements of a page attract the most attention from users. This heat map shows where a person’s eyes moved most frequently or stayed longest on the screen. Red spots indicate higher concentration, while areas without red spots point out areas under less scrutiny or attention.

This method typically requires specialized equipment or access to a user’s webcam, making it difficult to obtain a large sample size. However, when enough data is collected, eye tracking can provide deep insights into user engagement and preferences.

Eye tracking heatmap example

Scroll maps 

A scroll map is a type of website heatmap that shows how far users scroll down a page on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. This visual tool helps identify which parts of a page capture user attention and which do not. It uses a color gradient to indicate the popularity of different sections, with hot colors (like red) representing the most viewed areas and cold colors (like blue) showing the least viewed parts.

Scroll maps also display the percentage of visitors who view different sections of a page and provide an average fold score, indicating the percentage of visitors who see the most viewed element on your web page. 

Scroll heatmap example

Benefits of Heatmaps for Websites

Heatmaps are a game-changer for eCommerce marketers looking to optimize their websites. And here’s how they can revolutionize your marketing efforts:

Visualize Complex Data

Heatmaps transform raw data into intuitive visual graphs. This eliminates the need to slog through extensive spreadsheets and statistics. Instead, you can quickly grasp user behavior through color-coded representations that highlight areas of high and low engagement.

Gain Deep Audience Insights

Heatmaps offer a clear view of the preferences and behaviors of various audience segments. Whether you’re analyzing age, demographics, or purchasing habits, these website heatmap tools provide comprehensive insights.

Make Informed Changes

With detailed insights from heatmaps, such as eye movements, mouse clicks, and scroll patterns, you can pinpoint exactly where changes are needed. This allows you to make data-driven decisions that enhance your website’s user experience, ensuring that your optimizations are based on user behavior rather than guesswork.

Foster Team Collaboration

Heatmap data is useful not just for marketers but can also benefit other departments. Sharing these insights can lead to more cohesive and productive collaboration, as everyone works together to create a high-performing website.

How to Choose the Best Heatmap Website Tools 


Hotjar is one of the best website heatmap tools today. It integrates heatmap website analytics and feedback tools, making it simple to monitor user activity and identify potential issues on your website.

With Hotjar, you can collect both quantitative and qualitative data, offering actionable insights for content adjustments and other enhancements. This robust set of tools is available at a budget-friendly price.

Key Features

  • Heatmaps: Track rage clicks, u-turns, average time on page, and feedback scores with easy-to-view visuals
  • Most clicked elements: Highlight most clicked elements to quickly identify attention-grabbing areas
  • Funnel recordings: Access session recordings from any step in the funnel to gain detailed insights into user behavior
  • Scroll-depth ruler: Combine click and scroll data in one place to ensure important buttons or elements on a page aren’t overlooked
  • User profiles: Track the frequency of user visits and the devices they use, offering a detailed view of their behavior on your website
  • Engagement zones: Integrate click, move, and scroll data to provide a comprehensive view of user engagement


  • Simplified user studies 
  • Intuitive and easy to use 
  • Valuable feedback and insights 
  • Seamless integration and monitoring 
  • Best for small to medium businesses


  • Data collection may occur without user permission
  • Limited session recordings
  • Restricted heatmap creation on smaller Hotjar plans
  • High resource consumption


Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange is a versatile set of conversion optimization tools designed to support businesses to interact with and track their visitors. With features like heatmaps, dashboards, live chat, and polls, it provides valuable insights into user behavior and problem areas on your site. 

Trusted by over 300,000 websites, this website heatmap tool is believed to reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase conversion rates significantly.

Key Features: 

  • Dynamic heatmaps: Discover which sections of a page are most effective at driving conversions and which may be obstructing user experience by examining clicks and scrolls on forms, popups, and menus
  • Session recordings: View detailed session recordings and access contact information from any visitor profile to understand their interaction patterns and experiences
  • Dashboard Insights: Analyze visitor behavior, evaluate traffic source performance, and monitor the completion of specific events all from a centralized dashboard
  • Form analytics: Identify the fields visitors are engaging with before abandoning a form, providing insights into where users encounter difficulties
  • Surveys: Gather honest feedback and request detailed responses on key topics to better understand user opinions and experiences


  • Accurate tracking and insights
  • Tracks user visit frequency
  • Excellent customer support
  • User-friendly interface
  • Various optimization tools


  • Expensive for some businesses
  • Compatibility issues with certain browsers and operating systems
  • Complex, may require a steep learning curve
  • Video playback issues


Lucky Orange pricing

Crazy Egg 

Crazy Egg is an online tool that monitors specific pages on your website, showing where visitors click and which parts of the screen they interact with. It also provides basic analytics on page views and visitor origins using visual displays. To use Crazy Egg, simply add a small code snippet to the HTML of the page you want to track. The tool then automatically provides live results, tracking every click visitors make on the selected pages.
Crazy Egg homepage

Key Features

  • Heatmaps: Visualize where users click, using color-coded summaries to see what captures their attention
  • Scrollmaps: Determine how far users scroll and what content retains their interest or causes them to leave with scrollmaps
  • A/B Testing: Compare different versions of your pages to find out which elements work best for your audience
  • Confetti: Analyze user engagement by categorizing clicks by various criteria for a detailed breakdown
  • Recordings: Watch real-time interactions with your site by recording user sessions, offering insights into the user experience
  • User Feedback: Gather direct feedback from users, aiding in site improvements and changes
  • Integrations: Combine insights and streamline workflows by integrating Crazy Egg with tools like Google Analytics and WordPress
  • Snapshots: Use snapshots to capture and compare user interactions over time, allowing for historical analysis of behavior trends


  • User-centric optimization 
  • Ease of use 
  • Visual analytics


  • Data intepretation may be needed 
  • Limited to web 
  • Fit for beginners but not for advanced users looking for a professional tool



Mouseflow is a behavior analytics tool used by over 190,000 clients in digital marketing, UX, product management, startups, and enterprises to enhance website experiences. It allows companies to improve user experiences, identify potential problems, and increase conversions for a more engaging online presence. By offering deep insights into user behavior, Mouseflow helps businesses optimize their websites and enhance customer satisfaction.

Key Features

  • Heatmaps: Utilize interactive heatmaps to visualize user engagement, showing where visitors click, move, and scroll on your pages
  • Click and movement tracking: Analyze user clicks and mouse movements to identify areas of interest, navigation trends, and possible usability issues
  • Error tracking: Identify and analyze errors or problems users face on your website to address and resolve them quickly, improving user satisfaction
  • Mobile app recording: Record and review user interactions within your mobile apps to extend your analysis to mobile experiences
  • Funnel analysis: Build and examine conversion funnels to understand the steps users follow before achieving specific goals or making transactions
  • Feedback surveys: Use on-site surveys and feedback widgets to gather user insights, opinions, and suggestions for enhancing the user experience
  • Session replays: Review recorded sessions of website visitors to observe their interactions with your site, either in real-time or through playback
  • Form analytics: Track user interactions with online forms, including abandonment rates and submission success, to refine form design and functionality


  • In-depth user behavior insights
  • Simple integration and use
  • Detailed reporting
  • Advanced filtering
  • Top-notch customer support


  • Few plan options
  • Performance issues
  • High licensing costs
  • Limited form functionality


Mouseflow pricing


Smartlook is an analytics solution for websites, iOS/Android apps, and various app frameworks that reveals the reasons behind user behavior. It provides insights into customer interactions with features like session recordings, heatmaps, automatic event tracking, and conversion funnels. All data is consolidated on a central dashboard, making it easy to share and collaborate with team members. 

This website heatmap tool supports product managers, marketers, UX designers, and developers in making data-driven decisions to reduce churn, increase conversions, fix bugs, and enhance user experience.

Key Features

  • Heatmaps: Track user engagement visually
  • Session recordings: View actual user interactions
  • Events: Monitor all user activities
  • Funnels: Examine user journeys
  • Cross-platform: Analyze web and mobile data


  • Advanced segmentation features
  • Easy sharing of heatmaps and recordings with team members
  • Analytics across web and mobile platforms
  • Session replay capabilities
  • Customizable historical heatmap data
  • Detailed tracking for returning visitors
  • Live chat support for Business users 


  • No revenue heatmap available
  • No revenue attribution for clicks and buttons
  • More expensive than some alternatives
  • Standard and premium integrations are limited to Business and Enterprise plans
  • More complex setup for mobile compared to web



UXtweak is a versatile UX research platform that delivers a robust set of testing tools needed for thorough analysis of both users and their interactions with your product. It supports testing throughout a website’s lifecycle and provides accessible analytics for all users. With features for recruitment and incentives, UXtweak helps identify and address usability issues to improve conversion rates and user experience.

Key Features

  • Website Heatmaps: On-demand generation of Click, Scroll, and Move Heatmaps
  • Website Testing: Unmoderated usability testing for websites and web apps
  • Card Sorting: Develop user-friendly information architecture
  • Tree Testing: Assess information architecture to verify users can locate important content
  • Prototype Testing: Evaluate Figma, InVision, or Axure prototypes with real users
  • Session Recordings: Record and analyze visitor interactions with your website
  • Bug Detection


  • Reliable and clearly defined testing methodologies that are easy to use
  • Enterprise edition includes advanced features not available in other tools
  • Transparent pricing with no hidden fees ensures clarity on costs


  • May be cumbersome for users not accustomed to its extensive testing features
  • No video tutorials available for new users


UXtweak pricing


Fullstory is a behavioral data platform that reveals the sentiment behind consumer behaviors, helping teams improve fraud detection, forecasting, and personalization. It provides context to understand why users behave a certain way, driving real-time, revenue-boosting experiences.

Automatically capturing and structuring first-party data, Fullstory integrates easily with your data ecosystem or through its analytics with session replay. This saves time and resources, allowing teams to focus on creating personalized experiences and accurate predictions based on actual user behavior.

Fullstory homepage

Key Features

  • Heatmaps: Visualize user engagement with scroll and click heatmaps to see where users interact most on your site.
  • Session recordings: Watch real-time recordings of user sessions to understand their journey and identify issues.
  • Trends: Track and analyze key performance metrics over time to spot patterns and measure improvements.
  • Funnels: Analyze user paths and conversion funnels to identify where users drop off and optimize the journey.
  • Frustration events: Detect and address user frustration through rage clicks, dead clicks, and error clicks.
  • Mobile app analysis: Gain insights into user behavior and performance on mobile apps to ensure a seamless experience across all devices.


  • Real-time user interaction analysis
  • Excellent customer support
  • Comprehensive session replay functionality
  • Easy setup and integration
  • Valuable metrics and analysis trends


  • High pricing
  • Difficulty finding specific sessions
  • Poor mobile experience
  • Limited data transfer capabilities


Fullstory pricing

Attention Insight 

The last website heatmap tool in the list is Attention Insight. It is a pre-launch tool for marketers and designers, aimed at improving design effectiveness.

The tool uses artificial intelligence to create heatmaps, showing where users are likely to focus on a webpage or design. With predictive models boasting 90% to 96% accuracy, it tracks actual user gaze patterns. This helps assess the visibility of different design elements, optimizing the design’s overall impact.

Key features

  • Predictive Heat Maps: Utilize technology to create predictive heat maps that highlight the most eye-catching areas of your designs.
  • Figma Integration: Leverage the Figma plugin to pinpoint and address potential conversion issues during the design phase. 
  • Optimization of Existing Sites: Quickly map your existing site pages with Attention Insight’s Chrome plugin. 
  • Versatile Analysis: Extend analysis beyond websites to desktop and mobile interfaces, as well as print media like packaging and physical products. 


  • Quick analysis
  • Competitor comparison
  • Visual representation


  • Credit confusion
  • Limited features in the free plan


Attention insight pricing

Wrap Up 

Relying on outdated content won’t engage today’s users effectively. So, websites must be continuously updated and improved. The best way to understand what your customers want is to analyze their behavior on your site.

The website heatmap tools discussed in this post are industry leaders for tracking user interactions. By using these tools, you can identify high-activity areas on your website, strategically place key elements, and remove those that cause frustration. Incorporating heatmap data into your online strategy can significantly boost your website’s performance and help convert hundreds of visitors into millions.

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GemPages Academy is a knowledge hub for storefront optimization and achieving overall eCommerce success. In collaboration with industry experts and leveraging cutting-edge Shopify applications, GemPages Academy offers a diverse array of content in various formats, including insightful blogs, intuitive tutorials, comprehensive webinars, and educational courses.

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