Retail Marketing Calendar for 2024

Retail Marketing Calendar for 2024: Key Dates, Ideas, and How to Use

ecommerce calendar

A retail marketing calendar is a must-have tool for any retail business. It acts as a strategic roadmap, outlining all the important dates, events, and promotional campaigns for the year ahead.

In this guide, we’ve curated a 2024 retail marketing calendar to help you plan for any occasion, including seasonal discounts, engaging promotions, exciting giveaways, and well-timed product launches.

Key Dates in the Retail Marketing Calendar

Here are the key dates in the eCommerce calendar that you should take note of and use for your online store.

#1. January

January marks the beginning of the year in the retail marketing calendar, offering businesses a fresh start. Following the busy holiday season, January presents a chance to captivate customers with New Year sales and promotions. It’s an ideal moment to clear out old inventory and unveil new products on your online store.

Key dates in January - 2024

  • 1st January – New Year’s Day
  • 1st – 31st January – Dry January
  • 1st – 31st January – Ginuary
  • 1st – 31st January – Veganuary
  • 6th January – National Shortbread Day
  • 15th January – Blue Monday
  • 25th January – Burns Night
  • 26th January – Australia Day
  • 27th January – Chocolate Cake Day

#2. February

As January’s resolutions wane, February unfolds with promise for dreamers, romantics, and connoisseurs of sweetness. From World Nutella Day to Valentine’s Day to Shrove Tuesday, this month offers a plethora of occasions to embrace. It’s a time ripe for unleashing your creativity, with opportunities to craft enticing promotions on your best-selling items, propelling your sales to new heights.

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Valentine's Day is a special day in February to promote retail marketing calendar strategy.

Moreover, February frequently hosts the Lunar New Year, a momentous occasion, particularly for businesses catering to a substantial Asian clientele. This celebration offers a platform for themed promotions and events, further enhancing engagement and fostering connections with your audience.

Key dates in February - 2024

  • 1st – 29th February – LGBT History Month
  • 4th February – World Cancer Day
  • 4th February – Yorkshire Pudding Day
  • 5th February – World Nutella Day
  • 9th February – National Pizza Day
  • 10th February – Lunar New Year (Year of the Dragon)
  • 14th February – Valentine’s Day
  • 17th February – Random Act of Kindness Day
  • 20th February – Love Your Pet Day

#3. March

March brings the spotlight to International Women’s Day, a moment for businesses to recognize women’s accomplishments and advocate for gender equality. It’s common for retailers to launch campaigns featuring women’s products or donate a portion of their profits to women’s charities.

Furthermore, Mother’s Day is a major highlight of March, offering people a chance to show gratitude to their mothers and mother figures. This translates into a busy sales period for businesses, especially those in the gift, card, flower, and dining industries, as customers look for meaningful ways to celebrate their loved ones.

Key dates in March - 2024

  • 1st March – St David’s Day
  • 7th March – World Book Day
  • 8th March – International Women’s Day
  • 10th March – Mother’s Day
  • 10th March – Ramadan Start
  • 14th March – Popcorn Lovers Day
  • 17th March – St Patrick’s Day
  • 20th March – First Day of Spring
  • 25th March – International Waffle Day
  • 29th March – Good Friday
  • 31st March – BST starts
  • 31st March – Easter Sunday

#4. April

April bursts onto the retail scene with a burst of energy, signaling the start of spring and stirring up excitement among shoppers. The big highlight? Easter, of course! It’s not just about bunnies and chocolate—this holiday is a major sales driver across multiple industries like food, fashion, and home décor. Retailers get creative with Easter-themed promotions and events to lure in customers looking for that festive vibe.

And then there’s April Fool’s Day, where businesses can let their playful side shine with fun and imaginative marketing antics that keep everyone smiling.

Key dates in April - 2024

  • 1st  April – April Fool’s Day
  • 1st April – Easter Monday
  • 7th April: World Health Day
  • 8th April – End of Ramadan
  • 10th April – Siblings Day
  • 11th April – National Pet Day
  • 19th April – Bicycle Day
  • 21st April – National Tea Day
  • 22nd April – Earth Day
  • 23rd April – St George’s Day

For instance, Outdoor Voices implemented a unique campaign for Earth Week that diverged from the conventional approach of selecting just one winner. Instead, they spread the rewards across six winners over six weeks.

Interestingly, this initiative wasn’t solely about driving sales or increasing social engagement. Rather, its primary goal was to inspire followers to embrace outdoor activities, perfectly aligning with the brand’s ethos and mission of promoting an active lifestyle and connection with nature. This strategic move not only reinforced Outdoor Voices’ brand identity but also fostered a deeper connection with their audience, resonating with individuals seeking authenticity and genuine experiences.

Outdoor Voices campaign
The Earth Week campaign by Outdoor Voices.

#5. May

The arrival of warmer weather and blooming flowers in May makes it an ideal time for outdoor promotions and spring sales. The most significant event in May is Mother’s Day in many countries, including the United States. This day is a major sales period for businesses, particularly those in the gift, card, flower, and dining sectors. Retailers often run special promotions and themed campaigns to attract customers looking for the perfect gift for their mothers.

Key dates in May - 2024

  • 1st May – Labour Day (UK)
  • 4th May – Star Wars Day
  • 6th May – Early May Bank Holiday
  • 11th May – National Eat What You Want Day
  • 13th May – World Cocktail Day
  • 16th May – International Day of Light
  • 17th May – World Baking Day
  • 20th May – World Bee Day
  • 29th May – National Biscuit Day
  • 27th May – Spring Bank Holiday

#6. June

June is a month filled with festivities and outdoor events in the retail marketing schedule. With the onset of summer, there is a surge of excitement and vitality, creating a perfect opportunity for outdoor marketing campaigns and summer sales.

One of the key highlights of June is Father’s Day, which serves as a crucial sales period for various businesses, especially those in the gift, card, and dining industries. To cater to customers searching for the ideal gift for their fathers, retailers frequently organize special promotions and themed initiatives.

Key dates in June - 2024

  • 1st June – Global Day of Parents
  • 1st June – 30th – Pride Month
  • 10th June – World Gin Day
  • 15th June – National Beer Day
  • 16th June – Father’s Day
  • 21st June – International Day of Yoga
  • 20th June – Summer Solstice
  • 20th June – Beginning of Summer
  • 26th – 30th June – Glastonbury Festival
  • 24th June – Midsummer’s Day

#7. July

Although July may appear to be a calm month, it is advisable to utilize this slower period to replenish your inventory and devise marketing strategies for the upcoming busy back-to-school season. During July, you have the opportunity to pleasantly surprise your customers by leveraging World Chocolate Day or the commencement of the school holidays as a captivating element for your sales campaigns.

Key dates in July - 2024

  • 3rd July – Wimbledon Starts (ends 16th July)
  • 4th July – American Independence Day
  • 6th July – Islamic New Year
  • 7th July – World Chocolate Day
  • 17th July – World Emoji Day
  • 24th July – School Holidays (differs per school)
  • 24th July – Back to School (ends early September)
  • 30th July – International Day of Friendship
  • 31st July – National Avocado Day

#8. August

August is a great month with many events that you can take advantage of for your retail marketing calendar. There are many options from events like Book Lovers Day, World Photo Day, or National Dog Day that appeal to different consumer groups with various interests.

Key dates in August - 2024

  • 2nd August – International Beer Day
  • 5th August – Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland)
  • 8th August – International Cat Day
  • 9th August – Book Lovers Day
  • 19th August – World Photography Day
  • 24th August – National Burger Day
  • 26th August – National Dog Day
  • 26th August – Summer Bank Holiday (England and Wales)

#9. September

September plays a crucial role in the retail marketing calendar as it signifies a period of transition and preparation. With the conclusion of summer and the arrival of autumn, individuals are settling back into their regular routines, presenting a prime opportunity for businesses specializing in home goods, office supplies, and fall fashion.

Labour Day, a significant event in September, serves as the unofficial end of summer in the United States. During this long weekend, many retailers capitalize on the opportunity to clear out their summer inventory and unveil their fall collections.

Furthermore, September also marks the continuation of the back-to-school season. Retailers catering to school supplies, clothing, and electronics often organize sales and promotions to attract parents and students who are gearing up for the new school year.

Key dates in September - 2024

  • 1st September – Back to School (differs by school)
  • 2nd September – Labour Day (US)
  • 6th September – Read a Book Day
  • 12th September – National Chocolate Milkshake Day
  • 16th September – World Guacamole Day
  • 22nd September – Autumn Begins
  • 27th September – World Tourism Day

#10. October

In October, eCommerce sellers have a chance to tap into some exciting sales opportunities. To entice your buyers, think about incorporating coffee samples into your shipments in celebration of International Coffee Day. This approach can also help cater to your vegetarian customer base.

Additionally, Pumpkin Day and Halloween offer perfect opportunities to roll out enticing discounts and promotions on seasonal products as the month winds down. For a hassle-free landing page solution, check out GemPages’ Halloween template.

Key dates in October - 2024

  • 1st – 31st October – Black History Month (UK)
  • 1st – 31st October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • 1st – 31st October – Go Sober for October (Stopober)
  • 1st October – International Coffee Day
  • 1st October – World Vegetarian Day
  • 10th October – World Mental Health Day
  • 16th October – World Food Day
  • 22nd October – National Nut Day
  • 25th October – World Pasta Day
  • 26th October – National Pumpkin Day
  • 29th October – National Cat Day
  • 29th October – BST ends
  • 31st October – Halloween
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#11. November

In November 2024, retailers gear up for the holiday season, starting with major sales events like Black Friday. In addition, observances like World Vegan Day or Men’s Health Awareness Month provide unique marketing opportunities. It can be claimed that it’s a month filled with chances to engage customers and boost sales.

Key dates in November - 2024

  • 1st – 30th November – Movember (Men’s Health Awareness Month)
  • 1st November – World Vegan Day
  • 5th November – Guy Fawkes Night
  • 10 November – Remembrance Sunday
  • 11th November – Remembrance Day
  • 29th November – Black Friday
  • 30th November – St Andrew’s Day

#12. December

December is a crucial month in the ecommerce calendar for 2024, which marks the peak of the holiday season, a critical period for businesses as shoppers are actively purchasing gifts for their families and friends.

The highlight of December is Christmas, a significant holiday that boosts sales across various sectors such as toys, electronics, apparel, and home decorations. Also, New Year’s Eve is celebrated in December, offering businesses an opportunity to offer end-of-year sales to clear out inventory and prepare for the upcoming year.

Key dates in December - 2024

  • 2nd December – Cyber Monday
  • 4th December – National Cookie Day
  • 13th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • 21st December – Winter Solstice
  • 24th December – Christmas Eve
  • 25th December – Christmas Day
  • 26th December – Boxing Day
  • 27th December – Bank Holiday
  • 31st December – New Year’s Eve

For instance, Long Wknd seized the Cyber Monday momentum by extending its promotion throughout December, offering a “bundle & save” deal where customers received a discount and free shipping when purchasing five items.

This strategy balanced customer value with brand economics, encouraging larger purchases while maintaining profitability. By prolonging the excitement and providing compelling incentives, Long Wknd maximized sales opportunities and reinforced its commitment to customer satisfaction and business sustainability.

longwknd cyber monday campaign
Long Wknd's popular bundles designed to help customers save money.

Pros and Cons of Retail Marketing Calendar


  • Strategic Planning: An eCommerce calendar acts as the backbone of strategic planning for businesses, enabling them to synchronize their marketing efforts with pivotal events, holidays, and seasonal shifts. By doing so, businesses can allocate their marketing resources more efficiently, ensuring they’re well-prepared to seize opportunities as they arise.
  • Sales Optimization: An eCommerce calendar provides businesses with a roadmap for identifying specific days and periods ripe for marketing endeavors. By pinpointing key moments, such as holidays or shopping events, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to maximize sales and capitalize on heightened consumer interest.
  • Merchandise Management: A marketing calendar serves as a guide for aligning merchandise with seasonal trends and consumer preferences. By forecasting shifts in demand and planning product launches accordingly, businesses can ensure they have the right inventory available at the right time to meet customer needs and capitalize on emerging trends.
  • Customer Engagement: A thoughtfully crafted marketing calendar facilitates consistent and cohesive customer engagement throughout the year. By mapping out messaging and promotions in advance, businesses can avoid conflicting or competing messages, resulting in a more seamless and engaging customer experience across all touchpoints.


  • Inflexibility: While a retail marketing calendar provides structure and organization, it can also pose challenges in terms of adaptability. Once set, making adjustments to the calendar can be arduous, potentially hindering a business’s agility in responding to unforeseen changes in the market or shifts in customer behavior. This lack of flexibility may result in missed opportunities or ineffective responses to evolving circumstances.
  • Budgeting Constraints: The predetermined nature of marketing costs laid out in the calendar can present hurdles in making budget adjustments. With expenses set well in advance, businesses may find it challenging to reallocate funds to capitalize on emerging opportunities or address unforeseen challenges. This rigidity in budgeting can limit a business’s ability to optimize their marketing efforts and may hinder their ability to stay competitive in a dynamic market landscape.
  • Overlooking New Trends: Planning events and campaigns far in advance carries the risk of overlooking emerging trends or shifts in consumer preferences. While long-term planning provides stability and foresight, it can also lead to complacency or a lack of responsiveness to evolving market dynamics.

Wrapping Up

A retail marketing calendar is vital for businesses, especially in retail. It provides a strategic plan for marketing activities, aligns them with key events and holidays, and boosts sales and customer engagement. Despite potential drawbacks like budget limitations and inflexibility, the benefits still outweigh the disadvantages. So, start planning your retail marketing calendar now to set your business up for success.


About GemPages Academy

GemPages Academy is a knowledge hub for storefront optimization and achieving overall eCommerce success. In collaboration with industry experts and leveraging cutting-edge Shopify applications, GemPages Academy offers a diverse array of content in various formats, including insightful blogs, intuitive tutorials, comprehensive webinars, and educational courses.

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