How To Use Reviews To Improve CRO On Your Shopify Store - GemPages Academy

How To Use Reviews To Improve CRO On Your Shopify Store

improve conversion rate optimization with reviews

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a crucial metric for any eCommerce business. It is the ability to convert visitors into paying customers that often determines the success of a Shopify store.

Customer reviews is one of the most effective tool that has a big impact on CRO. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage reviews to enhance your CRO and boost your Shopify store’s success.

Conversion Rate Optimization As An Important Metric

CRO is the process of improving your website to increase the percentage of visitors who take the desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up, or clicking through to another page. In the eCommerce world, this translates to converting visitors into buyers. The significance of CRO cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts your bottom line.

How Customer Reviews Help with CRO

Customer reviews often provide genuine, user-generated content that influences customer purchasing behavior. It’s not just about the number of stars a product has; it’s about the authentic voices and experiences of actual people that build trust and affect purchasing decisions.

Leveraging Social Proof Through Reviews

The Impact Of Social Proof On Consumer Behavior

Social proof plays a vital role in consumer behavior. It is a psychological concept that explains why customers tend to follow the mass with their opinions and experiences when making a purchasing decision. When individuals witness others enjoying a product or service, it sparks trust and confidence, reducing the uncertainty that can often accompany online shopping. This trust serves as a validation of their potential purchase, inspiring them to make informed decisions based on the real feedback of the crowd.

Reviews As A Form Of Social Proof

Customer reviews are a powerful form of social proof. They also include testimonials, star ratings, user-generated content, or visual elements like photos and videos that offer an authentic evidence of a product’s or service’s quality, contributing to the transparency and authenticity of a brand.

Unlike traditional marketing content, reviews have an innate ability to make products relatable. They showcase how products work in real-life, fulfilling customers’ needs, establishing trust and authenticity in prospective customers. This trust significantly influences their decisions and can lead to higher conversion rates.

Optimize Product Pages For Reviews

Building Clear and Accessible Review Sections on Product Pages

To maximize the impact of customer reviews, you should consider the following:

  1. Visibility and Accessibility:

The review section on your product pages should be highly visible, ideally located near the top of the page. It should be one of the first things a customer sees when they land on the product page. This ensures that users will engage with the reviews.

  1. Ease of Access:

Make sure the review section is easy to access. Users should not have to scroll or navigate extensively to find it. Consider a prominent CTA button or link that takes customers directly to the reviews.

  1. Inviting Design:

The design of the review section should be inviting and visually appealing. Use fonts and colors that are easy to read, and consider using a contrasting background to make the reviews stand out. This can help draw the user’s eye to the section.

Best Practices for Displaying Reviews

Show Star Ratings

Incorporate star ratings prominently, both within the review section and at the top of the product page. According to Baymard, the optimal position for star ratings is just above or below the product title and should be larger and more prominent than the average rating within the reviews. This provides users with a quick visual summary of the product’s quality and encourages them to explore further.

The star ratings on ASOS’s website are shown at the top of the product page, below the product title.

Average Ratings

The Baymard Institute advises that the average rating should also be prominently displayed, as it provides users with an immediate reference point regarding the product’s overall quality. Placing it next to the star ratings can help users quickly gauge the product’s popularity.

Ratings Distribution Summary

Include a summary of the overall distribution of ratings (e.g., the percentage of 5-star, 4-star, etc. reviews). This provides users with a quick glance at the overall satisfaction level and helps them gauge the consensus among customers regarding the product.

overall distribution of ratings

Quick View To The Star Ratings

Implement a quick view feature that allows users to see a breakdown of the star ratings before navigating to the review section.

This provides users with a summary of the product’s quality while still allowing them to access more detailed reviews before making an informed decision.

Amazon users are able to see a dropdown showing the breakdown of the average ratings in each tier. They can even click on it to see more reviews in the review section below.

Detailed Breakdown

Consider providing a detailed breakdown of star ratings in different categories if applicable (e.g., quality, performance, ease of use). This can aid users in understanding specific product attributes, enabling more informed decision-making.

detailed breakdown of star ratings
Shephora offers a rating distribution summary in a horizontal bar chart. It allows users to understand the ratings distribution at an initial glance.
product quality's scale
ASOS even included a scale for product’s quality and other features, which can be very helpful in aiding trust and building credibility.

Verified Purchase

Highlight reviews from verified purchasers, as these often carry more weight and credibility. A “Verified Purchase” badge adds transparency and trust to the review.

verified purchase

Photos and Videos

Encourage customers to upload photos and videos alongside their reviews. This visual content offers a dynamic and authentic view of the product in real life, fostering trust and improving the customer’s understanding of the product.

photos and videos

Sorting Options

Implement sorting options that allow users to organize reviews by relevance, most recent, or highest ratings. This option ensures a users can easily access the most helpful reviews for their needs.

There are 4 sorting options an Ecommerce site should always provide, according to Baymard Institute:

  • Price
  • User rating average
  • Best-selling
  • Newest

Search Filters

Offer filtering options to help users find specific reviews based on criteria like product features, usage scenarios, or other relevant parameters. These filters enhance user experience and cater to diverse needs. Here are 5 essential filter options users need on a Product Page:
  • Price
  • User Ratings Average
  • Color
  • Size
  • Brand
filter options
Users on ASOS’s website can filter through reviews by ratings.

Helpful Reviews

Highlight reviews that have received many “helpful” votes from other users, can assist customers in finding valuable insights quickly. They can also guide potential buyers toward the most informative and trusted content on your Shopify site.

search filter
Search filters like “helpful reviews” can be a great feature in helping potential users find valuable insights quickly. These reviews often receive many "helpful" votes, and guide potential buyers toward the most informative and trusted content.

How to Handle Negative Reviews Effectively

Negative reviews are not setbacks but opportunities for improvement. When customers see that you actively engage with feedback and are committed to their satisfaction, it builds trust and enhances the overall customer experience on your Shopify store.

Here’s how to address negative reviews effectively:

Prompt Response

Respond to negative reviews promptly, demonstrating your commitment to addressing customer concerns in a timely manner.

Empathy and Understanding

Display empathy in your responses, showing that you genuinely understand and value the customer’s feedback.

Offer Solutions

Offer solutions to the customer’s issues, suggest an exchange or refund, or simply showcase your willing and dedication to solve their problems.

Transparency and Professionalism

Transparency is key – don’t hide negative feedback. Show that you’re willing to address issues openly and honestly. Maintain a professional and transparent tone in your responses, reinforcing trust and authenticity.

Continuous Improvement

Utilize negative reviews as opportunities for improvement, applying lessons learned to enhance your products or services.

Build a Review-Integrated Journey on your Store’s Pages

Here are the details of how to build a review-integrated journey on your Shopify store’s pages:

On your Homepage

Top-Rated Products Showcase

One powerful strategy is to prominently feature your top-rated products on the homepage. This immediately catches the eye of visitors and sets a positive impression. You can use snippets of reviews or star ratings to provide social proof right from the moment users land on your site.

Customer Testimonials

Alongside top-rated products, consider displaying customer testimonials. Real-life stories and experiences from satisfied customers add a personal touch to your homepage. They provide authentic social proof, showing that your products or services have made a positive impact on real people.

Interactive Elements

To further engage visitors, you can include interactive elements like review carousels or sliders. These can display snippets of recent or outstanding reviews, encouraging users to explore more and gain trust in your offerings.

Collection pages

Filter and Sort by Ratings

Enhance the user experience on collection pages by offering filtering and sorting options based on ratings and reviews. Visitors can easily refine their search by selecting products with the highest ratings, helping them find the best options within a specific category.

filter and sort by ratings

Review Previews

Another effective approach is to offer review previews for each product on collection pages. These previews can include star ratings and a brief snippet of the most favorable review. This way, users get a quick sense of the product’s quality and the satisfaction of previous buyers without leaving the collection page.

Adding store reviews / all reviews page

Dedicated Reviews Page

Create a dedicated page that compiles all your reviews, both for individual products and the overall store experience. This page serves as a one-stop resource for customers seeking reassurance about your brand. It highlights the authenticity and transparency of your store, as all feedback is readily available in one place.

Filtering Options

To enhance the user experience on this page, consider filtering option. Users can filter reviews by product category, rating, or specific criteria. This makes it easy for them to find the information most relevant to their needs and preferences.

Customer Stories

Beyond just product reviews, you can include customer stories and testimonials about their overall shopping experience with your store. This broader perspective not only bolsters trust in your products but also in your brand’s customer service and reliability.

Encourage User Contributions

On the all reviews page, provide a clear call-to-action for customers to leave their own reviews. Make it easy for them to share their feedback, contributing to the ongoing growth of your review database.

Utilize Reviews in Email Marketing and Campaigns

Incorporating Reviews in Email Newsletters and Promotional Campaigns

Extend the reach of your reviews by featuring them in your email marketing campaigns. Include snippets of positive feedback or showcase highly-rated products to entice subscribers.

Review Highlights

When crafting email newsletters or promotional campaigns, consider including snippets of positive reviews. Highlight specific products or features that have received glowing feedback from customers. These brief testimonials can serve as powerful endorsements and entice subscribers to explore further.

Highly-Rated Products

Showcase highly-rated products within your emails. Feature items that have garnered exceptional reviews and star ratings. Emphasize the popularity and satisfaction associated with these products to pique subscribers’ interest.

Use Emojis Or Icons

Make your email content visually engaging by incorporating images or icons representing star ratings. Visual elements help convey information quickly and effectively, drawing the reader’s attention to the positive feedback.

A/B Testing and Analyzing the Impact of Review-Focused Campaigns

Experiment with campaigns that put reviews at the forefront and analyze their effect on conversion rates. A/B testing can reveal which review strategies resonate most with your audience.

Campaign Variations

Implement A/B testing to experiment with different approaches to incorporating reviews into your campaigns. Create variations of your emails, changing elements like the placement of reviews, the use of visuals, or the tone of the messaging.

Conversion Tracking

Use tracking and analytics tools to monitor the impact of your review-focused campaigns on conversion rates. Measure how these campaigns perform compared to non-review-focused ones. Analyze data to understand which strategies resonate most with your audience and lead to higher conversions.

Iterative Approach

Take an iterative approach to campaign optimization. Continuously refine your email content based on the insights gained from A/B testing and performance analysis. This allows you to fine-tune your review-centered campaigns for maximum impact.

Tips for Creating Great Review-Centered Content

Craft engaging and persuasive content that spotlights customer testimonials. Share stories of how your products have positively impacted real people. Make it relatable and emotionally resonant.

Customer Testimonials

Craft your content to spotlight customer testimonials and their experiences with your products or services. Sharing authentic stories of how your offerings have positively impacted real people can create a strong emotional connection with your audience.


Make the content relatable to your target audience. Use language and scenarios that resonate with your customers. When they can see themselves in the experiences shared in reviews, they are more likely to feel a personal connection with your brand.

Emotional Resonance

Create content that evokes emotions. Stories that depict how your products solved a problem or brought joy to a customer’s life can be highly persuasive. Use storytelling techniques to make the content emotionally resonant.

Visual Content

Visual content, such as images of happy customers using your products, can enhance the appeal of your review-centered content. Use images to complement the written testimonials and provide a holistic view of customer satisfaction.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Encourage action with a clear CTA. After presenting compelling review-centered content, guide readers on what steps to take next. Whether it’s to explore the product, make a purchase, or share their own experiences, a well-placed CTA can drive engagement.

Implementing review-based trust signals

How Trust Signals Boost CRO

Trust signals, such as trust badges or seals, enhance your credibility and further encourage conversions. When customers see that your store is trusted by others, they’re more likely to trust it themselves.

Credibility and Assurance

Trust signals, including trust badges, seals, and other visual indicators, significantly enhance a website’s credibility. When customers encounter these symbols of trust, they gain assurance that their transactions and personal data are secure. This sense of safety is paramount in reducing uncertainty and encouraging conversions.

Reduced Friction

Trust signals act as friction-reducers in the online shopping process. By providing visual cues that the website is reputable and trustworthy, they alleviate customer concerns and objections that may lead to cart abandonment. This results in smoother and more efficient user journeys.

Increased Conversion Rates

Trust signals play a pivotal role in boosting Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). As customers become more confident in the safety and reliability of the website, they are more likely to complete their desired actions, whether that’s making a purchase, submitting personal information, or signing up for newsletters. Higher trust equates to higher conversion rates.

Security and Privacy

Trust signals, particularly those related to security, such as SSL certificates and payment icons, underscore the protection of customer data and secure payment processing. Users are more inclined to proceed with transactions when they see these security assurances.

Integrating Review-Based Trust Signals on Checkout Pages or Near CTA Buttons

Your trust signals, such as badges or deals, should be place strategically especially on checkout pages and close to call-to-action buttons. This reinforces trust when customers are ready to make a purchase.

Checkout Pages

Trust badges related to secure payment methods, data protection, and customer satisfaction should be prominently displayed on the checkout page. This visual reassurance is vital to ensure customers proceed to complete their purchases.

CTA Buttons

Positioning trust signals close to CTA buttons, such as “Buy Now” or “Submit Order,” which reinforces trust at the moment when customers are ready to commit. This proximity prompts users to act with confidence, knowing they are in a secure environment.


Use trust signals consistently throughout your store, so customers can encounter them at various touchpoints. This creates a continuous reinforcement of trust and credibility at every stage of the customer journey.


In the competitive landscape of eCommerce, every edge counts, and customer reviews are a potent tool to enhance your CRO. By harnessing the power of social proof, optimizing product pages for reviews, building a review-integrated journey, utilizing reviews in marketing, and implementing trust signals, you can drive more conversions and, ultimately, more revenue.

Remember, the key to success is not only in collecting reviews but actively seeking and leveraging customer feedback to continually improve your Shopify store. In the end, satisfied customers are your best brand ambassadors and your most reliable path to CRO success.

About GemPages Academy

GemPages Academy is a knowledge hub for storefront optimization and achieving overall eCommerce success. In collaboration with industry experts and leveraging cutting-edge Shopify applications, GemPages Academy offers a diverse array of content in various formats, including insightful blogs, intuitive tutorials, comprehensive webinars, and educational courses.

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